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British Canoeing Coaching Podcast


Updated: Jan 8, 2021

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British Canoeing moved into the podcast world with a series of interviews by Etienne Stott which are well worth a listen. Then they launched their coaching podcast. I was a little sceptical at first but had respect for those delivering the episodes so gave them a go, and I haven't missed one since!

The following episodes have particular relevance to this website and its aims:

Episode 12 - Constraints - Led Coaching. A nice introduction to constraints led coaching and this caused my realisation that it wasn't difficult, and I was doing it a lot of the time anyway. Now I just needed to make it more fun and relevant for my groups...

Episode 21 - Adventure Sports Coaching. An interview with Paul Smith and Dan Wilkinson about general adventure sports coaching, so not slalom specific. (I'm a little biased here as Paul is a friend!) There IS however a brief but interesting discussion about matching up the motivations and needs of the clients with the motivation and approach of the coach. I will review Paul and Dan's book when I get a copy and have had a chance to read it...

Episode 9 - Maximising Sessions Through Good Gate Setting. An interview with Dan Goddard, whose website I will be adding to this site somewhere! An interesting listen which causes some thoughts. Placement of the gates on the water is perhaps the ultimate constraint we have, and so time on the water can be made more effective by thinking about how the gate placement can achieve your desired outcomes.

There are other really good episodes here and it's worth giving them all a listen at some point, I just picked the ones most pertinent to the coaching ethos I'm aiming for with this website!



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