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Harry Potter Slalom


Updated: Jan 8, 2021

This one was dreamt up during lockdown 1.0, and we played it on flat water once we were allowed to paddle again. I've tried it out with my group at Marple and there's no reason why it can't be played on bigger water.

No Gates Warm Up

All the paddlers paddle around and they take it in turns to cast a "spell", whereupon all the other paddlers perform the action, before carrying on.

Harry Potter Slalom

One paddler paddles a short course (it could be long, variations are pretty much endless) and each of the rest of the group casts one spell on the paddler whilst they are paddling. When cast the paddler must perform the action immediately before continuing. I've done it with groups of 3 or 4, and I think 2 spells on a short course is about right.

The Spells

Expelliarmus - the paddler must throw away their paddle at least as far as the end of their boat, then retrieve it before continuing

Impedimenta - go back to the last gate (paddle 10 back strokes if during the warm up)

Confundus - Perform a 360 turn.

Petrificus Totalus - (we've only used this one as a warm up) - the next 10 strokes must be done with straight arms.

Aguamenti - Roll

There are no doubt more - let me know if you think of any!

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